(Invunerability/Energy Melee Tank)
Yuri Stolichnaya, former supreme athlete and cosmonaut, was left in orbit for 5
years after the fall of the
He now continues his fight to overthrow the bourgeois, and will not stop till all capitalists are crushed underfoot and the proletariat rises again! We will bury you!
Big Brother is Watching You!
Komrade Kremlin promises to complete
the Dam Project
Observing the Capitalists Polluting
the Air of the Working Class
Join the revolution and the six year plan!
Kremlin in front
of COT
Freeing the Life-force of the Beast
Forced to keep working even in death
by Evil Capitalists
Komrades Kremlin and Red Hot Ivan bringing the Arch Capitalist Countess Crey to Trial for crimes against the Proletariat
Kremlin Vs.
Kremlin Vs.
Kremlin fight
evil Kapitalist Warmachine
Kremlin and Komrade Red Propaganda
Kremlin and
Friend I may one day need to crush!
Kremlin can
take a hit as well (from Siege)
Kremlin crushes
Kremlin crush
evil Gypsy type Anarchist
Kremlin crushes
Kremlin combats
Kremlin combat
great beast of underearth
Kremlin views
Kapitalist disaster - The Hamidon
Kremlin in front
of Alien Saucer
Kremlin see
result of Kapitalist overfishing
of harbor... starving deep sea creature
Kremlin prevents COT Propaganda
from reaching masses
yuri sight seeing with Sasha
Komrade make
joke - Soup is on!
Komrade take
photo of sasha cage dancinh!
Kremlin always
remains...man of the people
Kremlin try
to talk to anarchist...
but conversation not get far